Monday 11 October 2010

Day 18: Fish soup, Varvara, night views of Russia

Matjuska Varvara, whom we had met earlier in August, invites us to film at the church service on Thursday. A nice surprise, since so far, we could only film inside a church in Raja, where Osip allowed us to do so. Filming inside churches, especially during the church services, is understandably a sensitive issue. Even more happy are we that Varvara now allows us. Coming here multiple times, taking the time to get to know people, socializing and meeting them again and again for interesting conversations, simply being here and being nice and human and genuinely interested, all that really seems to work.
We couldn't imagine any other way to do a project like this. It takes more time this way than just walking in with a camera and filming for a few days - but it's worth it, because you really enter a connection with people and place, and doors open that would never open if you just came briefly.

As we're filming in Kasepaa, we're invited for fish/potato soup by Vassily, who's currently building himself a summer house at the lake, and who's also a relative of Mrs. Filipova. Tasty soup and, of course, a bit of vodka. How could we say no to that, after all, we're not unpolite people, and the conversation is interesting as they always are. There's that Russian-Estonian-German-EU friendship, cheers to that. And in addition, we even get a free show of Vassily's dog performing tricks.

Late that night, after another sauna, we stand outside our home and look over the lake. It's interesting, magic and beautiful that during the day, it's usually not possible to see the other side of the lake, to see Russia. But at night, you can see the soft yellow light hovering over the ground, where the villages on the Russian side are. So you look into the dark, and in the far distance, there are a number of brighter spots. It's a pity that there is no way to film this soft light.

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