Wednesday 18 August 2010

Day 12: Fishing business, planning trips, review

Woke up early to meet the Filipov family, who agreed to give us a tour through their fish factory and their house. The Filipovs most probably are the richest family in these villages - the factory is impressive, and the house is beautiful and decorated pompously, including of course some impressive icons in the dining room.

Mrs Filipova explains us how they started and developed their business, from nothing to what it is today, all self-made and with a lot of entrepreneurial spirit. It's a family business, in a way, with Mrs Filipova's three sons all working for the factory. So we were told the story of the family business and shown the beautiful house, learned also that Mrs Filipova is the sister of Matjushka Varvara whom we met earlier.

We wanted to go fishing, but they explain us that it's not possible right now: Fishing in Lake Peipus is only allowed at certain times, and currently we're in the "dry season". There's only some smoked fish left in the storage, no new catches are coming in. From about mid September until November, fishing will be allowed again, so we agree that they will take us out for a fishing trip when we come back in autumn.

After meeting the Filipov family, we face more rain and stormy weather, so we go back and cook some pasta using the tomatoes that Osip from Raja sold us the other day. We go to the cute little Kivi Korts, the cafe/bar/restaurant where we stop once in a while, to have a cup of coffee and to review all the material we filmed so far, since tomorrow during the day we're already leaving, and it's time to understand what we've achieved and what's still missing, what topics we think we covered and where we want to dig deeper, so we can prepare for our next trip here in autumn. From the first look and review, we're quite happy with the results of these first 12 days. Half a day more to go tomorrow, then we're off until autumn.

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